sábado, 25 de julio de 2009

the missing link

This Wednesday my alarm sound at 06:00, I had to go to Badilisha site at 07:00 to open the door for the builders to enter. I opened my eyes, I snoozed the alarm and I closed my eyes again. I didn’t manage to sleep the eight minutes that snooze gives so I just stayed with my eyes closed, hearing the wind that at that time of the day is always strong. Something was different though, but I couldn´t figure out what…The alarm sound again, I got up, went to the toilet, said good morning to Molly (Michael’s daughter) that was preparing the breakfast and I started to prepare my coffee. I ate my two slices of bread with butter and cherry jam and went out to finish my coffee and smoke a cigarette. Still something was different and still couldn’t find out what…I finished the cigarette and started getting ready. On my way out I saw that the door of the chicken house was still close and, as normally at that time the chickens are out, I opened the door for them…At the very same moment I found out what was different this morning…I hadn’t heard the cock singing during the morning...I waited till all the chicken came out, but no cock appeared. I asked Molly about that…
-Yeahhh, he got killed during the night…
-Whattttttttt? How?
-Well you see, I forgot to lock the chicken house door so probably a cat or something like this came in the night and killed him…I found him this morning dead. Propably he tried to protect his chickens and got killed by the cat...

Many times I was just watching him going around his chickens, stealing food from them, getting in fights with the neighbors cock and every morning he was the sound of waking up…The time that I started liking him it was the second day on the island. We had just had lunch and Inga took her I pod, put her earphones and laid down on the grass to have a nap, me I went down a tree to continue reading my book that by the way is a very nice book (the steppe wolf by Herman Esse). Inga hadn’t seen me but I could see her clearly. Few moments later the cock appears walking slowly slowly, he stops 5 meters from her and start his song…No reaction from her. The cock walks a bit more towards her and again sings. She moved a bit but no major reaction. Again the cock singing.. She lifted her head and gave him a look like she was saying get the fuck out of here and let me sleep, and went back to the ground. The cock did some steps more, he sang again and started running away…It was a very funny thing to see from the beginning till the end. From that moment I appreciated a lot his humor and i developed a nice relation with him and started observing him more, so now that life has finished for him, I would like to make a tribute to the cock. I don’t know if his chicken will miss him but I will….

1 comentario:

  1. Nice homenaje! Te imagino tanto siguiendo los acontecimientos desde la retaguardia :))) Mua!!
