viernes, 31 de julio de 2009


Yesterday on my way to Badilisha I saw a donkey lying on the ground and when I asked a person that was passing by why is he lying he replied ‘he is dying’ and he continued his way. I also continued my way and 4 hours later when I was going back I saw the donkey dead. When I arrived at home they told me that one dog of the house (the friendliest one) died this morning. I felt sad and i thought that today is a d day (death, donkey, dog). I started thinking about endings, deaths, beginnings…I started thinking that my time here is also finishing and another one will start. Very soon my experience on the island will finish and as we use to say with the other volunteers the first season of LOST on the magic island is finishing but soon there will be another season with new episodes…(we also have our Jacob, our Hurley, our Jack, our Ben, our Kate, our strange animals, etc. jejeje)…
All the experiences I'm having here they will stay with me and they will give me energy and good feelings whenever I recall them. Some, I realized them the moment they happened, some later on and some still haven’t realized them but in the future I hope I will…Sometimes you have to go back in order to move forward, sometimes you have to go forward in order to understand the past and sometimes you stand still and just be…everything counts!

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